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5... 4... 3... - Counting backwards from Middlehammer

It's important to realize that we do  actually finish (or nearly so) most of these products which we launch ourselves into. Except for the 30k campaign, which we have words about constantly, casting into the future over and over as a someday project which we won't get to until we're old men. Like a year ago, when we had a lovely Path to Glory game going. That went on for a good few months with our once a month binges. That happened, we remember it. The problem is that we never really have time to write side stuff as much as we'd like with our other responsibilities, which are all writing intensive. Plus the lighting isn't always great playing outside every month because going inside was a possible death sentence there for 16 months (we're both vaccinated now and probably invincible). So it's time for another project now that we have most assuredly  completed the last one we wrote about this time last year, which is to play a short interlinked campaign counti...

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