
It's only been a year since the last time this blog was updated.

It turns out a PhD program takes up a lot of your time. Toss in various other new responsibilities for both me and Peter, and writing about miniatures is something which falls by the wayside a bit. Not that the playing has subsided; it hasn't, and games are still going on every month, with a lot of painting in between. But, at least for me, a significant reset button was needed after my first year. I could've, and maybe should've, been reading more papers and books, writing more, all that, but I've felt remarkably invigorated just not doing that. For the most part; I'm helping design a really cool class over the summer, but that's very much the "work" portion of things, which I can wall off from schooling, writing, and reading difficult things in ways I can't quite articulate.

That's all boring and I won't linger.

Two, we flit from game to game. Age of Sigmar remains our main game, and probably will be forever. But Peter and I are both bad about our minds wandering. We did SAGA for a couple months, but first it was Dark Age and then it was Fantasy. Both are awesome, but it's tough to write about these one-offs. We've each bought too much stuff for Oathmark, a game we're both very high on and which we're waiting on proper movement trays for before jumping in. Interspersed has been Age of Sigmar, but nothing sustained. All of which adds up to not having a steady writing project. I mean, remember, the first posts in this fallow project were about a Horus Heresy campaign which never materialized.

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

We've settled on something for at least the next bit, maybe the entire Fall season. I hesitate to call it an announcement, since this is for fun and not widely read, but we'll be doing a tweaked Path to Glory campaign with a couple friends (all games outside on, yes, the porch, masked, and carefully curated with separate dice etc for each player). We are not ditching it after one monthly series, contra our usual practice. We also aren't switching armies or getting distracted. I'm doing Gloomspite Gitz, Peter's doing Lumineth (he won't shut up about his Lumineth), Scott's doing Khorne, and Philip is doing Seraphon.

Two months, which is fourish long days of playing. Maybe we'll do a third. Once we're getting to the normal game of Age of Sigmar stage, a thing everyone knows but nobody can codify, we're going to take those armies and do something else with them. Maybe the Forbidden Power campaign, which I've been wanting to play very badly since it came out.

Regardless, there's actual stuff here. Pretty pictures of miniatures, lore writing, house rules, and battle recaps. That will be coming shortly, and campaign kickoff will be on the weekend of Aug 1.

